Psychpharm Health

Bridging the gap between Primary and Secondary Mental Health Care.

A Mental Health Service that infuses technology with treatment to improve
effectiveness and increase accessibility.


The Problem

Severe Mental Illness affects about 500,000 adults in England (GP Register).

It’s estimated that people with SMI on average have 15 to 20 years shorter life expectancy than the general population.

This is partly attributed to physical ill-health, a consequence of SMI treatment.

Our Solution

At Psychpharm Health, we have identified Social Care inequalities in communities in the UK for people with SMI;
in response to this, we have built a system that:

Health Check:

Notifies and ensures adults with SMI complete recommended routine Physical health Assessments.

Support System:

Provides a support system for the continuity of care pre and post-discharge.


Develops personally tailored health and wellbeing goals aimed at lifestyle modifications.


Community-Based Wellness Programs

Our services include talking therapies, crisis helplines, drop-in centers, employment and training schemes, counseling, and befriending. We assess the needs of the community, identify gaps and tailor our services to address them. We provide a flexible, easily accessible, and varied biopsychosocial community-based offer to keep people with mild to severe mental health problems well in their own homes, around the people they love, and in their communities.

Aftercare Wellness Program

This service provides support for people who have been discharged from primary healthcare facilities to ensure continuity of care. We help in reintegrating individuals back into their communities and improving social transitions by instilling a renewed sense of purpose.

We offer Face –to – Face and Online Counselling and Training Services to Individuals, Families, Communities, and Organizations.



You can speak openly to caring and compassionate wellness counselors without fear of criticism, stigmatization,
or judgment.



We deliver a wide range of Training that cuts across the various dimensions of wellness (Physical, Emotional, Financial, Occupational/Educational, Social, Environmental, and Spiritual)



Our Counsellors, Wellness therapists, Life Coaches, and befrienders consist of trained psychologists and support workers with various experiences in handling a variety of cases bothering around physical, social, spiritual, intellectual, emotional, and psychological wellness.


Medication Adherence and Side Effect Monitoring

Patients are regularly placed on medications that have side effects that cause secondary physical health problems. A fundamental role of health professionals is to monitor patients’ reactions, as well as the side effects of medication. However, with the pandemic-induced pressure on health care systems, there’s a need for a system that educates and empowers patients on Side Effects monitoring.

Taking medication as prescribed is essential to improve treatment outcomes, particularly for SMI patients on maintenance medication. The Psychpharm Application provides a patient-friendly approach to Medication Usage and Refill monitoring.

Patients can easily plug in their Medication regimens or request support from a team of support workers in entering accurate and detailed Medication Profiles.


Physical Health Checks

By plugging in a list of prescribed medications, users can see a checklist of required routine health checks: Type, Frequency, and baselines. Patients are informed of metabolic side effects and equipped with tools to monitor metabolic changes progressively. Abnormalities with parameters are also flagged with a team of support workers who can escalate to secondary care providers.

In-App / Email Reminders

Get personalized usage alerts and medication refill reminders triggered by individual-set reorders levels. Know when to take your medication, what to take and when you’re running out of medication.


Follow Up Interventions

In addition to automated reminders, the Psychpharm Application provides a team of Support Workers to keep individuals on track and reach out when compliance level drops.

Compliance Ratio Monitoring

Dedicated Counselors and support workers are engaged in monitoring compliance with medication usage and refill. This support team is notified of non-compliers and can provide first aid intervention to improve behavior.

24/7 Online Support

Individuals have access to an online care team and can schedule appointments any time of the day.

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